Tuesday, May 21, 2013

A review of a review: Kino's The Power of Ashtanga Yoga

I just read Brian Penny's review on Huffington Post of Kino's latest book, The Power of Ashtanga Yoga. Since I have yet to read the book, I won't say anything here about the book itself. But here's an excerpt from Penny's review that very nicely sums up where Kino is coming from, and the spirit that informs her teaching and writing:

"Many yoga teachers seem to be afraid of imparting all of their knowledge. They hold back because they view their books, videos, etc. simply as marketing tools to get you into their classes. It's just merchandise, and you're just a consumer. This train of thought leads to these yogis holding back important information. Kino does the opposite, proving both her teaching ability and business savvy by explaining everything in as much detail as possible. Between her books and videos, she easily imparts more than 200 hours' worth of yogic wisdom for anyone willing to put in the effort. Instead of only giving you a sample in hopes that you'll come to her and give her your money like many other teachers, she gives every ounce of information she can fit into each situation she's teaching.

Because of her deep well of knowledge, The Power of Ashtanga Yoga works on its own as a teacher. In it, Kino manages to incorporate everything you ever wanted to know from a yogi. She seamlessly incorporates personal experiences, useful gems of wisdom, and detailed technical knowledge of the practice. Rather than bombarding you with an overload of technical information or droning on and on about generic information as most yoga books tend to do, Kino stops quite often to relate the information on a personal level. She manages this quite well because she doesn't hold back. Sometimes it feels like she knows the objections you have to a concept before even you do."

I guess I won't say too much more here; Penny's words pretty much speak for themselves. Maybe I'll get myself a copy of the book soon.  


  1. Hey Nobel, I totally agree. I read this review and felt it was very well written and the author has a good understanding of kino. I think I'll buy the book myself, because it sure seems to be good and I simply love Kino's way of phrasing things and how she tells us so much about her personal experience.

    1. Yes, I think I'll get a copy of the book too. :-)
