Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Yoga in the Dragon's Den is now a Transcendent Site for Stress Reduction

Although you wouldn't know to look at it. Just what is it about this blog that is so transcendent (because I sometimes give voice to semi-coherent philosophical thoughts?)? Just what is it about this blog that is so stress-reducing (I myself certainly don't ever recall feeling my stress level go down as a result of reading this blog...)?

But in any case, I take what I can get. Being a person for whom being honored is not an everyday affair (or even an every-other-day affair), I have to take what I get when I can get it :-) Anyway, here's the story: Just a couple of hours ago, I got an email from the people over at ADN to BSN.org, telling me that this blog has been put on their list of Transcendent Sites for Stress Reduction. So I simply decided to accept the honor, and have displayed the badge for this honor in the right-hand corner of this blog. This is what they have to say about this blog:

"Yoga in the Dragon’s Den is a blog at a cross-section of pop culture, yoga and meditation, and philosophy. It seamlessly flows from one area to another, tying them together for what are ultimately satisfying reads."

Damn... I am actually at a cross-section of so many things, and didn't even know that! You know, as much as I often pretend to sound very yogic on this blog, it is very difficult not to feel all light and floaty and shit after reading such a flattering account of what I do on this blog. 

Although, come to think of it, there is also a certain irony to this whole thing, given the fact that I haven't been much motivated to blog lately. But as some wise guy once said, "One does not stare a gift horse in the mouth." Well, let's just hope the gift horse is not a trojan horse...

Anyway. As you can see, I'm totally reduced to rambling incoherency these days. Do I actually deserve to be on this list? But then again, maybe there really is something transcendentally stress-reducing about the way I ramble on and on on this blog. Well, I can at least hope.      


  1. Yes, I was wondering about that! Congratulations! I often feel transcendent after reading your blog. And incredibly stress-free. Nicely done

    1. Thanks Erica! I'm happy to hear that you feel transcendent and stress-free (in addition to being ecstatic) after reading my blog :-)

  2. Nice to learn about Yoga in the Dragon’s Den. People need to know about it. To live a stress-less life is in their own hand. Thank Nobel for the great information.

    Henry Jordan

    1. Thank you for your kind and encouraging words, Henry. I will continue to do my best.

  3. Think about the ways you currently manage and cope with stress reduction in your life. Your stress reduction journal can help you identify them. Are your coping strategies healthy or unhealthy, helpful or unproductive? Unfortunately, many people cope with stress reduction in ways that compound the problem.
